What is the endgame of US Covid-19 strategy?? Wipe from earth, it becomes endemic like flu, or … Am afraid that vaccination, for its own sake, has become the goal. Say we get to 75/80% rate, what benefits are expected. Will that solve long term problem. How do you measure success in fight against Covid??
Being engineer, I did some research. Many countries have higher vaccination rates. But is not clear that they have less Covid-19 rates/trends. Suppose we get to 75/80%, What difference is expected???
Israel and UK have much higher vaccination rates. But their cases are Higher then the US. INDIA stands out as very low Covid-19 rate (but only 10% vaccination rate). What did India Do right!! Why is this not front-page news. What are they doing different?
Above shows no correlation between vaccinations and cases. Vaccines were NOT responsible the precipitous drop in US cases after mid Jan. (cases dropped long before significant portion of US were vaccinated). And the vaccine is NOT protecting against delta or is wearing off (cases going way up in Aug). My prediction is will start going back down soon (humps last ~3mo) and will go back way back up during Flu season (Nov/Dec/Jan). (please add 4 more zeros to my salary)
An Aug 6th report on CDC web shows 464 cases of covid-19 from a festival in Massachusetts (which has one of highest vaccination rates in country at 69%). 346 cases (74%) were fully vaccinated and 79% of those cases were symptomatic. 4 out of the 5 hospitalizations were fully vaccinated. Most troubling is that the viral load in vaccinated was same as in unvaccinated (i.e. both could transmit virus to others just as easily). https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7031e2.htm?s_cid=mm7031e2_w
Vaccinated are just as likely to get -and- pass covid-19 to others.
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